Scientific Writing and Communication in Agriculture and Natural Resources
The purpose of this book is to help early career professionals in agriculture and natural resources write their research papers for high-quality journals and present their results properly at professional meetings. Different fields have different conventions for writing style such that the authors of the book have found it difficult to recommend to young scientists in these fields a specific book or source material out of the several that are available as the “go to” guide.
The Robinson Family consisting of 4 boys, a mother and a father are all shipwrecked on a deserted island. Using their own ingenuity and the natural resources surrounding them they manage to survive.
Gain a better understanding of how human resources impacts both individuals and organizations with this market-leading, practical text. Snell/Bohlander's popular MANAGING HUMAN RESOURCES, 16TH EDITION builds upon a foundation of research and theory with an inviting, practical framework that focuses on today's most critical HR issues and current practices.