Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde activity book
26 March 1886. I cannot control him any longer. He comes when he wants and there is nothing I can do about it. Soon, everyone will know. What can I do? He's coming. I know he is. I can feel it. This time he will stay for ever...
Reuploaded Thanks to statsenko
Tags: everyone , about , coming , Jekyll , activity , nothing , Activity , REUPLOAD , Reuploaded
Added by: snwwte | Karma: 3109.25 | Kids , Other | 17 April 2012
Развертки для изготовления кубиков с буквами английского алфавита
Reuploaded Thanks to muljazim
12 comments, 4876 views
Tags: алфавита , LETTER , BLOCKS , английского , буквами , NEEDED , Reuploaded , muljazim
Funny English [2010] ( set 3 - новые 10 выпусков из 144)
Added by: wealthy | Karma: 1138.69 | Kids , Learning Videos | 10 April 2012
Познавательная программа «Funny English» — самый веселый и легкий способ научиться говорить по-английски!
Reuploaded Thanks to Julbakhk
11 comments, 8197 views
Tags: Funny , English , научиться , способ , говорить , thumb , выпусков , новые , REUPLOAD , по-английски , NEEDED , Reuploaded , Thanks
THE STRUGGLE The Vampire Diaries Book 2 By L. J. Smith. Book and audio.
This is the second book of a great saga written by the talented writer L. J. Smith
Reuploaded Thanks to pata07
Tags: STRUGGLE , Vampire , Diaries , Smith , SmithTHE , writer , REUPLOAD , Reuploaded
Matters Elementary and Pre-lntermediate Tests with key (Polish edition)
Added by: miaow | Karma: 8463.40 | Coursebooks , Only for teachers | 8 April 2012
The tests in this booklet have been developed in Poland to go alongside the courses Elementary Matters and Pre-lntermediate Matters. Contains key to exercises.
Reuploaded Thanks to Unmistakable
11 comments, 6103 views
Tags: Matters , Prelntermediate , Elementary , exercises , Tests , Contains , Pre-lntermediate , NEEDED , REUPLOAD , Thanks , Reuploaded