Added by: zabanbaz | Karma: 1288.64 | Periodicals, Other | 11 June 2016
Daily Express - 10 June 2016
The Daily Express is a daily national middle market newspaper in the United Kingdom. It is the flagship title of Express Newspapers, a subsidiary of Northern & Shell (which is wholly owned by Richard Desmond). The tabloid was launched in broadsheet format in 1900. In May 2015, it had an average daily circulation of 432,076.
This is classic from G. C. Verplanck, Editor, published in New York: Harper & Brothers. 714 pages Shakespeare - Complete Histories - Content: Introductory Materials, Preface, Order of the Plays, Life of Shakespeare, Shakespeare's Will, Folio Editions, Commendatory Verses, Name and Autographs, King John, Richard the Second, Henry the Fourth I, II, Henry the Fifth, Henry the Sixth I, II, III, Richard the Third, Henry the Eighth
Edited by G. C. Verplanck New York: Harper & Brothers. 1847
The Life of the Mind: An Introduction to Psychology Richard Gerrig The Teaching Company, Chantilly, VA, 1991 Out of Print, with guidebook A series of eight lectures with Dr. Richard Gerrig discussing how psychology governs the way we live and how the mechanisms of the human brain shape psychology.
Added by: miaow | Karma: 8463.40 | Other | 20 August 2015
Log cabins and wagon trains, cowboys and Indians, Buffalo Bill and General Custer. These and other frontier images pervade our lives, from fiction to films to advertising, where they attach themselves to products from pancake syrup to cologne, blue jeans to banks. Richard White and Patricia Limerick join their inimitable talents to explore our national preoccupation with this uniquely American image.
The story of the archaeology behind the dig that found Richard III, told through a fascinating array of photographs, diagrams, and firsthand accounts In August 2012 a search began and on February 4, 2013 a team from Leicester University delivered its verdict to a mesmerized press room, watched by media studios around the world: they had found the remains of Richard III, whose history is perhaps the most contested of all British monarchs.