Walking near the beach near his family's farm one night, Nick Bennett sees a boat bringing something unusual to shore - people. He suspects that they are illegal immigrants. When he goes to investigate what's happening on a nearby farm, he realises he was right. Soon Nick finds himself involved with a brother and sister and their desperate attempt to escape from a ruthless people-smuggler.
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Ian Rankin - Knots and Crosses Once John Rebus was a Para, served in the elite SAS. Now he's an Edinburgh policeman who spends time evading his memories, missing promotion opportunities, and right now ignoring a series of crank letters. But as the murders go on happening right under his nose, Rebus cannot ignore the presence of a serial killer stalking the city streets any longer. He isn't the only detective working the case, but he is the only one with all the pices to the puzzle and those letters keep on coming.
Just Right is an integrated skills series which is designed to offer flexibility with different teaching and learning styles. Fun for learners to use and easy for teachers to adapt, this second edition allows teachers to make the class just right for their learners.
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