Roger Love's Vocal Power: Speaking with Authority, Clarity and Conviction
"The opportunity to learn from a truly amazing master," raves Anthony Robbins.
"Voice Coach of the Stars" Roger Love has helped Anthony Robbins, Suze Orman, and other bestselling authors become the most sought-after speakers in their field. Now you can benefit from the life-changing techniques he has taught to entertainment, media and business celebrities in VOCAL POWER.
The Perfect VoiceIf you really want to change your life, the most immediate and effective way to do it is to CHANGE THE WAY YOU SOUND! Because chances are, if you don’t like the way you sound, neither do the people who are listening . . . or NOT listening to you.
The Perfect Voice, an amazing new and exclusive vocal training system developed and presented by Roger Love, America’s Celebrity Vocal Coach, teaches you the same methods and techniques used by some of the most famously successful people of our time.
Added by: Kahena | Karma: 11526.37 | Fiction literature | 14 October 2011
For the King's Favor
A Bittersweet Tale of Love, Loss, and the Power of Royalty When Roger Bigod arrives at King Henry II's court to settle a bitter inheritance dispute, he becomes enchanted with Ida de Tosney, young mistress to the powerful king. A victim of Henry's seduction and the mother of his son, Ida sees in Roger a chance to begin a new life. But Ida pays an agonizing price when she leaves the king, and as Roger's importance grows and he gains an earldom, their marriage comes under increasing strain. Based on the true story of a royal mistress and the young lord she chose to marry, For the King's Favor is Elizabeth Chadwick at her best.
Punch Bowl Farm, under Dion's influence, had been extensively modernised, and although his sister Lindsey mourned for the old ways, when milking had been done by hand and in some of the fields the bracken had been six feet high, there was no doubt that it was now more efficient. It was summer and Roger and Rissa had come from Romney Marsh and were staying at the farm—the chief reasons for their visit being Lindsey and Dion.
Added by: Kahena | Karma: 11526.37 | Fiction literature | 30 January 2011
The Babes in the Wood
Wexford fans may be disappointed by the shortage of memorable characters in Rendell's latest mystery to feature the chief inspector, a solid, if not spectacular, entry in the series. As in her previous Wexford, Harm Done (1999), the author explores issues of spousal abuse and focuses on a troubled married couple. The children of Katrina and Roger Dale disappear just as the city of Kingsmarkham is inundated with a flood of quasi-Biblical proportions. Both parents' reactions are somewhat bizarre, with Roger curiously antsy to be done with police questioning to get back to his job and Katrina quite certain her children have already drowned.