Scientific American, the oldest continuously published magazine in the U.S., has been bringing its readers unique insights about developments in science and technology for more than 150 years.
Now you can discover the answers to these and many other fascinating questions about engineering for yourself with this fun-filled resource. Janice VanCleave's Engineering for Every Kid presents entertaining, challenging experiments and activities to help you understand the different types of engineering there are—including structural, solar, electrical, and chemical—and how each is applied to real world everyday situations.
Each of the activities is broken down into its purpose, a list of easy-to-find materials, step-by-step instructions, expected results, and a simple scientific explanation. Plus, the book's 25 projects can easily be used in the classroom, as the basis of a science fair project, or at home just for fun!
Explanations seem to be a large and natural part of our cognitive
lives. As Frank Keil and Robert Wilson write, "When a cognitive
activity is so ubiquitous that it is expressed both in a preschooler's
idle questions and in work that is the culmination of decades of
scholarly effort, one has to ask whether we really have one and the
same phenomenon or merely different cognitively based phenomena that
are loosely, or even metaphorically, related."
This book is unusual in its interdisciplinary approach to that
ubiquitous activity. The essays address five basic questions about
explanation: How do explanatory capacities develop? Are there kinds of
explanation? Do explanations correspond to domains of knowledge? Why do
we seek explanations, and what do they accomplish? How central are
causes to explanation? The essays draw on work in the history and
philosophy of science, the philosophy of mind and language, the
development of concepts in children, conceptual change in adults, and
reasoning in human and artificial systems. They also introduce emerging
perspectives on explanation from computer science, linguistics, and