101 Quick and Easy Secrets for Using Your Digital Photographs
If you own a digital camera and actively take pictures with it, you probably have a hard drive, memory card, or laptop filled with images that you keep meaning to do something with but never get around to. "101 Quick and Easy Secrets for Using Your Digital Photographs " will show you how to make the most out of the images you have or plan to take, detailing the best way to manipulate, manage, publish, share, and promote your photographs.
Microworlds: Unlocking the Secrets of Atoms and Molecules (Let's Explore Science)Describes the composition of matter, discussing atoms and their components, elements, molecules, bonding, reactions, and materials and their properties.
No Plot? No Problem!: A Low-Stress, High-Velocity Guide to Writing a Novel in 30 Days
Chris Baty, motivator extraordinaire and instigator of a wildly successful writing revolution, spells out the secrets of writing -- and finishing -- a novel. Every fall, thousands of people sign up for National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo), which Baty founded, determined to (a) write that novel or (b) finish that novel in -- kid you not -- 30 days. Now Baty puts pen to paper himself to share the secrets of success.
Get Seen: Online Video Secrets to Building Your Business
The era of online video has arrived—now make it work for your business In the last year, the world of online video exploded. Hollywood got into the game, professional actors and writers joined in, and independent producers looked to find their niche. Now, companies are wide awake to the opportunities for product and brand promotion as well as customer engagement. So how do you want to fit into the new online video universe?
Ninja were the Ultimate Warriors of feudal Japan. Cloaked in darkness and secrecy, the Ghost-Soldiers of the Invisible Fist struck fear into the hearts of their enemies and wreaked havoc on those who incurred their wrath. The principles of these occult methods have not changed and apply even today.