A great variety of English tests that will help you increase your TOEIC test score.This compact TOEIC Test Package is the only printable TOEIC word test
collection currently available on the Internet. But unlike the
traditional TOEIC text books, your TOEIC Test Package provides you with
a system that constantly monitors your learning progress and improves
your TOEIC language skills. You will find it fun taking these unique
multiple choice tests because with every question you answer correctly
your TOEIC English improves. Some of the test questions you will find
easy while others might contain new phrases and expressions. If you
take at least one test per day, you will soon notice just how your
TOEIC skills improve. Each test comes with an answer key and your brain
will automatically store the correct choice. You won't have to read
through difficult word definitions or do boring exercises.
The Book provides systematic development of students´ listening and speaking skills to meet the requirements of the revised Cambridge Proficiency exam or any other examinations at the same level.
The book is divided into two parts:
Part A consists of five complete listening tests. The recordings are based on authentic listening material and contain a variety of accents and sound effects.
Reading and Writing Targets 2
Reading and Writing Targets is a three-level writing series. The book provides systematic development of reading and writing skills and can be used to supplement any main course at Beginner level. A variety of texts based on real-life situations which develop reading skills and work as models for the learner's own written work. Lexical and grammar exercises which familiarise learners with all vocabulary and grammatical structures. Useful writing tips ans paragraph plans to give the learner step-by- step guidance. Teacher's book added. Thanks tofloarea !
"Secrets to Success in
Industry Careers" introduces you to the differences between what is needed
in school and what is needed in industry. It describes the entire process of
obtaining a job including analysis of a job description, writing an application,
preparation for an interview, and conduct during and after an interview. Most
importantly, this book is the ideal industry-insider guide because it provides
you with skills and understanding essential for success on the job. Fictional
anecdotes make it easy to understand application of these skills, summarized at
the end of each chapter and supported by self guided assessment questionnaires.
This is the ideal guide on how to succeed for anyone seeking a job or already
employed in both industry and academic environments.
Self-assessment tools are included to help identify strengths and opportunities
for growth. It includes chapters on understanding business goals, leadership
and teamwork, communication skills, marketing, discipline, flexibility,
innovation, intellectual property, special technologies, quality, ethics,
globalization, ambiguity, expectation and career management. Author has
developed highly successful industry-relevant training for students and new
employees and has experience from both industry and academic environments. It
also contains a compilation of essential technical and managerial skills
necessary for success in industry, including chapters on expectation management
and career management.
Problem Solving contains an introduction that defines the skills covered and explains why the skills are important, using concrete examples that students can relate to their own experiences. Breaking skills down into manageable and practical parts, this book offers firm guidance to students and creates an easy-to-follow path that will help them improve their problem solving skills.