Warped Space: Art, Architecture, and Anxiety in Modern Culture
Beginning with agoraphobia and claustrophobia in the late nineteenth century, followed by shell shock and panic fear after World War I, phobias and anxiety came to be seen as the mental condition of modern life. They became incorporated into the media and arts, in particular the spatial arts of architecture, urbanism, and film. This "spatial warping" is now being reshaped by digitalization and virtual reality. Anthony Vidler is concerned with two forms of warped space. The first, a psychological space, is the repository of neuroses and phobias. This space is not empty but full of disturbing forms, including those of architecture and the city.
Linear Algebra Examples C-3: The Eigenvalue Problem and Euclidean Vector Space
The book is a collection of solved problems in linear algebra, this third volume covers the eigenvalue problem and Euclidean vector space. All examples are solved, and the solutions usually consist of step-by-step instructions, and are designed to assist students in methodically solving problems.
10-Minute Talks: 24 Messages Your Students Will Love
Sometimes you don't have their attention for very long. Whether you've planned for a short message or your program has run long, a ten-minute talk is sometimes all you have space for in your youth ministry. So make sure you make it ten minutes that really count!
Look into the lace . . . When the eyes begin to fill with tears and the patience is long exhausted, there will appear a glimpse of something not quite seen... In this moment, an image will begin to form . . . in the space between what is real and what is only imagined. Can you read your future in a piece of lace? All of the Whitney women can.
Added by: honhungoc | Karma: 8663.28 | Black Hole | 18 November 2010
Language in Use - English Course at Cambridge 2010
Language in Use - the latest computer course for effective learning English. The program was developed based on the eponymous series of books , which are widely used in universities and language schools worldwide.
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