The Anthology of Traditional Tales is a read-aloud component that includes thirty richly illustrated fables and folktales in both English and Spanish. Each tale is accompanied by several questions in each language that teachers can use to gauge children’s comprehension.
Pocket Business Spanish Dictionary - Over 5000 Business Words and Expressions
This dictionary offers over 5000 terms translated to and from English covering all aspects of business, including office practice, the stock market, international trading, accounting and marketing terminology.
Barbarians Against Rome - Rome's Celtic, Germanic, Spanish and Gallic Enemies
This volume details the equipment, weapons, lifestyle and dress of the principal enemies that challenged the expansion of Rome, including the Celts, Gauls and Teutones. Artworks illustrate the variety and diversity of these distinct warrior cultures and groups.
The series covers all official requirements for Bachillerato and is compatible with the recommendations of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (B1.1/B1.2).
This is a famous Easy English Course (INGLES-SIN-BARRERAS), and was thought for Spanish speakers.
Easy English Course (INGLES-SIN-BARRERAS) is the most successful English course in America. Since its creation in 1988, thousands of Spanish speaking people have learned exceptional abilities to use both written and spoken English.