The Indo-European language family consists of many of the modern and ancient languages of Europe, India and Central Asia, including Latin, Greek, Sanskrit, Russian, German, French, Spanish and English. Spoken by an estimated three billion people, it has the largest number of native speakers in the world today. This textbook provides an accessible introduction to the study of the Indo-European languages.
This book set out to examine communication between writers and readers,and speakers and listeners, from the perspective of the relations of meaning with which speakers and writers can mark the unity within and between their messages.We found that speakers and writers make use of cohesion in different manners in different texts, which suggests that cohesive strategies are sensitive to communicative conditions.
This book has been developed to introduce a wide variety of speaking topics to students. Each unit also presents a number of activities to scaffold speaking tasks for lower-level or less secure speakers.
This book has been developed to introduce a wide variety of speaking topics to students. Each unit also presents a number of activities to scaffold speaking tasks for lower-level or less secure speakers.