Marketing Planning: Strategy, Environment and Context
Marketing Planning provides an overview of the essential elements of marketing planning with a particular emphasis on the components of the marketing planning process, whilst highlighting the three core themes of environment, strategy and context. The book features an innovative running case study which follows a company through the entire process of marketing planning, stage by stage and chapter by chapter, finishing with a completed marketing plan.
A nail biting adventure in the Rwandan rainforest with Uncle Jack, Jim, Daisy and May (and of course Grumpy the dog!). Can they save the life of King Kambogo? You will learn something about the Nyungwe Forest in this exciting adventure where Uncle Jack and the others fly off to Africa to look for a cure for King Kambogo. They don’t realise but there are some bad men who don’t want them to fi nd the cure! The book contains five pages of exercises for revision at the end.
Who wants to live in a house, wear clean clothes, be good, and go to school every day? Not young Huckleberry Finn, that's for sure.
So Huck runs away, and is soon floating down the great Mississippi River on a raft. With him is Jim, a black slave who is also running away. But life is not always easy for the two friends.
And there's 300 dollars waiting for anyone who catches poor Jim.
Christmas is humbug, Scrooge says - just a time when you find yourself a year older and not a penny richer. The only thing that matters to Scrooge is business, and making money.
But on Christmas Eve three spirits come to visit him. They take him travelling on the wings of the night to see the shadows of Christmas past, present, and future - and Scrooge learns a lesson that he will never forget.