This bestselling teacher resource and widely adopted text demonstrates the "whats," "whys," and "how-tos" of explicit reading instruction for struggling K–8 learners. The book describes 23 skills and strategies associated with vocabulary, comprehension, word recognition, and fluency.
"How To Master Skills For The TOEFL iBT Listening" is designed to be a TOEFL iBT listening preparation course or as a tool for individual learners who are preparing for the test on their own. Each unit provides a step-by-step program that includes question-solving strategies and the development of test-taking abilities. Book added Thanks to conkien_1410!
Academic Assertiveness is an essential capability that is required of students who wish to achieve academic and professional success. Written for students who are aiming to achieve college success, Achieving Success through Academic Assertiveness: Real life strategies for today's higher education students focuses on the challenges that learners face and encourages positive actions that support triumphs in learning situations.
This book addresses an all-too-common experience for teachers: trying to reach students who have developed negative attitudes toward themselves and school. The authors present motivational strategies for use with individual students and in classroom management, building on thought-provoking new theories of motivation.
This professional resource, co-authored by Timothy Rasinski and Danny Brassell, empowers teachers to facilitate innovative and engaging instruction with their students. Unique classroom-tested strategies integrate current research findings with real-life observations of diverse students in action. Learn why these comprehension strategies matter and how to introduce activities that tap into students' multiple intelligences.