AdWords lets every business-from eBay PowerSellers to Fortune 500 companies-create targeted, cost-efficient advertising campaigns on the Web, and accounts for the bulk of Google's $6 billion in annual revenues
This all-new guide helps advertisers get a handle on AdWords complexities and nuances, adopt AdWords best practices, and turn clicks into ka-ching!
Topics covered include conducting quick and cheap market research, crafting a message that cuts through the clutter, choosing AdWords settings, bidding on keywords, setting a maximum daily spend, improving the Web page that an ad points to, testing strategies, tracking results, and using Web analytics tools
Includes an exclusive offer from Google-AdWords credits equivalent to the price of the book-plus a companion Web site with up-to-the-minute AdWords tips and tricks, narrated video walkthroughs, and free trials of the author's software
The classroom teacher brings to the planning partnership knowledge of curriculum, of the classroom program, and of student needs and abilities. The teacher-librarian brings to the planning partnership knowledge of curriculum, of the resources to support student learning in the program, and of the skills and strategies necessary for students to handle information and ideas effectively. When these areas of expertise are integrated, the result is teaching and learning with information skills and strategies incorporated in resource-based instruction in thoughtful and relevant ways. Student learning is assessed jointly through careful monitoring and authentic products.
This book has resulted from a number of challenges and concerns that have emerged from both being a facilitator on various problem-based learning programmes and equipping other tutors to become facilitators. As a lecturer and researcher in higher education and as a consultant to those wishing to implement problem-based learning, I have developed a range of strategies, practices and perspectives about what appears to help and hinder the facilitation of problembased learning.
The first comprehensive treatment of stereotypes and stereotyping, this text synthesizes a vast body of social and cognitive research that has emerged over the past-quarter century. Provided is an unusually broad analysis of stereotypes as products both of individual cognitive activities and of social and cultural forces. While devoting careful attention to harmful aspects of stereotypes, their connections to prejudice and discrimination, and effective strategies for countering them, the volume also examines the positive functions of generalizations in helping people navigate a complex world.
GMAT Advanced offers high-achieving students the toughest practice questions, hardest concepts, and strongest strategies to help them prepare for the GMAT.
* Hundreds of the toughest practice questions * Detailed answer explanations * Advanced strategies and expert guidance for all GMAT question types