Opportunities Pre-Intermediate Student's Book+Audio CDs
Пятиуровневый курс для подростков, наиболее полно отвечающий содержанию и традициям российского образования и прекрасно зарекомендовавший себя в российской школе.
This fully up-to-date edition takes account of recent changes in UK legislation. It is a handy desk reference for lawyers and an ideal source of legal terminology for students and secretaries in any country where the legal system is based on English law. It provides clear, jargon-free information for professionals, students, and people without a legal qualification. Over 4,000 entries define and explain the major terms, concepts, processes, and the organization of the English legal system. It features authoritative and up-to-date articles which have been written by practising and academic lawyers. New entries cover the Woolf reforms, human rights law, as well as family law, central and local government, and international law.
FCE Use Of English 1 Student's Book The "FCE Use of English 1" is a practice book intended mainly for intermediate and post-intermediate students, but it is also useful for more advanced students for revision and consolidation. The aim of the book is to help students to understand and use English grammar through structurally graded material and full-colour pictures. In addition the book offers preparation for the new FCE Examination or any other similar examinations.
Added by: Maria | Karma: 3098.81 | Coursebooks | 24 June 2007
Math Wonders to Inspire Teachers and Students
This book offers a plethora of ideas to enrich your instruction and helps you to explore the intrinsic beauty of math.
Through dozens of examples from arithmetic, algebra, geometry, and probability, Alfred S. Posamentier reveals the amazing symmetries, patterns, processes, paradoxes, and surprises that await students and teachers who look beyond the rote to discover wonders that have fascinated generations of great thinkers.
The author presents examples to entice students (and teachers) to study mathematics, to make mathematics a popular subject, not one to dread or avoid.
CAE Listening and Speaking Skills
Cambridge CAE Skills offer a bridge between communicative methodology and the needs of the exam class. Designed to prepare students for the various CAE papers, these books also consider the four skills in their wider application through the use of exciting topics and enjoyable communicative activities. The skills relevant to Papers 4 and 5 are covered in this single book. Each unit is divided into two sections, one dealing with listening and the other with speaking, linked to a common topic. Topics are innovative and unusual, offering students a genuine stimulus for speaking activities. Exam Tips boxes give students detailed advice about what to expect during each of the CAE papers, and the book offers plenty of opportunity to practise the type of activities that will be encountered during the paired interview. The cassettes feature authentic recordings from diverse sources.
1. Cleaned and reduced audio files added. Thanks to Maria!
2. Cleaned pdf file added. Thanks to megatron!