Трёхлетний мальчик случайно падает в клетку с гориллой и его спасает мама. Мама-горилла!
Официантка в кафе вместо чаевых получает выигрышный лотерейный билет - на 6 миллионов долларов!
Четырнадцать исключительно интересных, смешных, весёлых, трогательных историй, написанных простым языком и сопровождаемых понятными иллюстрациями, тщательно отоборанных из журналов и газет и максимально адаптированных для начинающих - всё в настоящем времени. Все истории - правдивы!
Предтекстовые стимулирующие интерес вопросы и задания, собственно истории, где практически к каждому предложению дана картинка, задания на закрепление, на понимание, на спеллинг, на письмо, на обсуждение прочитанного... Рекомендую в качестве первой книги для чтения на английском для тех, кто учил язык "мало, но давно" :)
A three-year-old boy falls 18 feet into a gorilla cage and is saved by a mother - a mother gorilla, that is!A waitress finds a lottery ticket for a tip, instead of cash. And she wins six million dollars! Fourteen very low-level stories of high-level interest?humorous, poignant, astounding?and all true! Selected from newspapers and magazines, and adapted for the beginning student, the stories are told as simply as possible - exclusively in the present tense. First, students see a series of captioned pictures so the meaning is clear. Then, students read the story in text form for real reading practice. Finally, students do exercises following each story to develop very basic reading skills as well as build pronunciation, spelling, and vocabulary proficiency. VERY EASY TRUE STORIES is an ideal first text for students with little or no experience with EnglishThe universal appeal of these real-life, human-interest stories engages beginning ESL students with humor, poignancy, or astonishment, and helps them to become fluent readers
Based on feedback from teachers and students around the world, New Opportunities now comes with new features and components to make your lessons even more motivating and successful.
New Reading and Listening Texts motivate students to speak and think in English.
New exam zones in the Powerbook build students’ exam skills and confidence.
New comprehensive testing programme provides total evaluation for students
Grammar and skills development give students a solid base for learning.
Training in independent study skills ensures good learning habits.
Cross curricular and cross cultural topics motivate students and
engage their interest in the wider world. to make your lessons even
more motivating and successful.
Business options is a book of Business English. It is mostly suitable for upper-intermediate or advanced learners. Business Options is an upper-intermediate level course for professional people from all areas of business. It follows the communicative, functional approach which is a hallmark of Oxford business courses, and extends this with development of business skills appropriate to the needs of upper-intermediate students. The course is structured around fourteen theme-based units such as Performance and Trade, which focus on real business situations, both formally inside the workplace and informally on social occasions. A strong feature of the material is its attention to social and cultural awareness, often the most difficult area for students at this level. Key features of the course:
• emphasis on development of social skills in a cross-cultural environment • each unit is discrete so units can be used in any order • speech production tasks featured to help students learn how to sound confident and thus communicate more effectively • each unit includes a meeting on the unit theme, which can be formal or informal as appropriate • Table talk section as a feature of each unit, to encourage students to develop conversational skills outside their normal area of work • cassettes include improvised listening passages to build confidence in. listening to the features of natural, unscripted speech
It is an edition of the established Modern English Business Letters,
and provides pre-intermediate and intermediate students with a complete
guide to the writing and layout of business letters.
It contains some 150 specimen letters and over 700 phrases and extracts
from letters. Exmples of both British and American style are given. All
the kinds of business letters required by various firms are discussed,
ranging from enquiries, offers, sale letters, reminders, complaints and
adjustments, collection and delivery letters, arranging appointments,
travel, accomodation. With each chapter there are exercises giving
students practice in writing similar letters. All the letters are
presented in an attractive and realistic style, and the revisions have
taken into account decimalisation and metrication.
Special attention has been paid to the needs of students, whose
interest lies mainly in import-export matters, and information is given
on terms used in all aspects of foreign trade, including accounting,
agencies, banking, insurance and transport.