Goof-Proof College Admissions Essays
Book Description
With more qualified students than ever,
competition for top-notch colleges is at an all-time high. In addition
to impeccable grades and high test scores, students need to write an
intelligent, concise essay to gain admission. It's vital to get the
tools and strategies necessary for crafting a winning essay. Learn the
goof-proof way to write specific types of essays, along with rules,
tips, and do's and don'ts. (Amazon.Com)
Reading Between the Lines: Improve Your Scores on English and Social Studies Tests
Most students in middle schools and high schools will have to answer
document-based questions (DBQ’s) in their many challenging tests
including SATs, ACTs, and state assessment exams. Even teachers of high
school advanced placement classes expect their students to write
effective document-based essays. Reading Between the Lines is designed
to help students of any age understand, practice, and write effective
DBQs so that they can improve their scores on standardized tests and
become a more successful student. This workbook helps students practice
brainstorming, drafting, revising, and editing with proven methods. It
also includes a glossary of essay terms and sample essays.
For over 60 years students have relied on Grant’s Dissector to guide them in the dissection lab. Now refocused and streamlined, this Thirteenth Edition provides an efficient approach to cadaver dissection with its clear, accurate and easy-to-understand steps. Written with a focus on flexibility, each chapter stands alone so that the dissection units can be used in any order that fits the needs of your course. Chapters in the 13th Edition have also been modified to make the dissector more student-friendly and easy to use. Consistent organization combined with several new features will help students better understand the dissections they will perform.
Added by: seawavena | Karma: 158.09 | Exam Materials » SAT | 14 February 2008
The only book that gives students the reasoning skills they need to master the new SAT McGraw-Hill's SAT I is the only test preparation guide based on developing a student's reasoning skills--the very skills the SAT is designed to measure. Rather than learning by rote, students learn how to develop eight essential thinking skills, allowing them to approach any problem from any angle. McGraw-Hill's SAT I includes: An in-depth look at all changes to the SAT, including comprehensive coverage of new topics such as Algebra II and the English Essay A diagnostic SAT simulation with fully explained answers Subject tabs for easy-to-find reference Time- and stress- management skills to help students stay focused, calm, and confident No other test preparation guide gives students: The 8 essential thinking skills for solving any problem in the math, critical reading, and essay sections 6 full-length simulated SATs and 20 practice essays
Dedicated to my best friend, Cun and VietAbroader Club.