You can acquire valuable knowledge for use in your own public speaking by studying the successful methods of other men. This does not mean, however, that you are to imitate others, but simply to profit by their experience and suggestions in so far as they fit in naturally with your personality.
My Philosophy for Successful Living (2011) By Jim Rohn
Before he passed away in December 2009, Jim Rohn had influenced more than 5 million people in all corners of the world. He was counted as a mentor by thousands including the likes of Tony Robbins, Les Brown, Harvey Mackay, Mark Victor Hansen and others. Jim was one of the most powerful and memorable listening experiences ever because he could take timeless, ageless principles and present them in such a simple way. Tony Robbins, who first met Jim Rohn when he was 19-years old, said Jim, "had a positive impact on me at a time in my life when I was first forming the philosophies that guide me today."
Lovely, versatile lace comes in infinite varieties—light and airy, chunky, intricate—and is perennially popular with knitters. Featuring clear, concise instructions, charts, and gorgeous color photographs of over 150 designs, this fifth installment in the successful Stitchionary series provides a complete catalog of lace patterns from the Vogue Knitting archives. This is sure to be an essential reference for every knitter’s library.
It offers sound, practical advice on how you can acquire excellent pronunciation, expand your vocabulary, master grammar, and engage in conversation in another language.
Far from representing a ‘standard approach’ to the subject, ‘the Secrets of Successful Language Learning’ gives suggestions that are often very unconventional, yet always extremely effective.
The 101 Habits of Highly Successful Screenwriters: Insider Secrets from Hollywood's Top Writers
You can struggle for years to get a foot in the door with Hollywood producers--or you can take a page from the book that offers proven advice from twenty-one of the industry's best and brightest! In this tenth anniversary edition, The 101 Habits of Highly Successful Screenwriters, 2nd Edition peers into the lives and workspaces of screenwriting greats--including Terry Rossio (the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise), Aline Brosh McKenna (Morning Glory), Bill Marsilii (Deja Vu), Derek Haas and Michael Brandt (Wanted), and Tony Gilroy (the Bourne franchise). You will learn best practices to fire up your writing process and your career, such as: