The book pres a fascinating overview about current and sophisticated developments in applied entomology that are powered by molecular biology and that can be summarized under a novel term: insect biotechnology. By analogy with the application of powerful molecular biological tools in medicine (red biotechnology), plant protection (green biotechnology) and industrial processing (white biotechnology), insect biotechnology (yellow biotechnology) pres novel tools and strategies for human welfare and nutrition.
With all the amazing facets of our bodies, how do they work all together? Our body systems interact making the human body the most complex machine ever built. Learn about how the nervous, reproductive, digestive, excretory, circulatory, respiratory, muscular, immune and skeletal systems work together to perform all of our daily activities. Vivid graphics and images illustrate the interrelationship of the body systems.
Human Body Systems and Health (Short Course D) is a textbook that engages middle school students in science through an accessible design, student-friendly narrative, and vivid visuals. A multitude of activities reinforce and extend students understanding of life science content.
Language Acquisition across Linguistic and Cognitive Systems
How and why do all children learn language? Why do some have difficulties while others are early language learners? What are the consequences of early bilingualism? Is it possible to reach native-like competence in a foreign language? Although we still cannot fully answer these questions, research during the last two decades has begun to solve some pieces of the puzzle. This book proposes an interdisciplinary collection of writings from some of the best specialists across several fields in cognitive science.
Liquid Culture Systems for in vitro Plant Propagation
High-efficiency micropropagation, with relatively low labour costs, has been demonstrated in this unique book detailing liquid media systems for plant tissue culture. World authorities (e.g. von Arnold, Curtis, Takayama, Ziv) contribute seminal papers together with papers from researchers across Europe that are members of the EU COST Action 843 "Advanced micropropagation systems". First-hand practical applications are detailed for crops – including ornamentals and trees – using a wide range of techniques, from thin-film temporary immersion systems to more traditional aerated bioreactors with many types of explant – shoots to somatic embryos.