Mobile Positioning and Tracking: From Conventional to Cooperative TechniquesThis book discusses mobile positioning solutions applied on top of current wireless communication networks. In addition, the authors introduce advanced and novel topics such as localization in heterogeneous and cooperative networks, providing a unified treatment of the topic for researchers and industry professionals alike. Furthermore, the book focuses on application areas of positioning, basics of wireless communications for positioning, data fusion and filtering techniques, fundamentals of tracking, error mitigation techniques, positioning systems and technologies, and cooperative mobile positioning systems.
Clinical Decision Support Systems: Theory and Practice
This is a resource book on clinical decision support systems for informatics specialists, a textbook for teachers or students in health informatics and a comprehensive introduction for clinicians. It has become obvious that, in addition to physicians, other health professionals have need of decision support. Therefore, the issues raised in this book apply to a broad range of clinicians. The book includes chapters written by internationally recognized experts on the design, evaluation and application of these systems, who examine the impact of computer-based diagnostic tools both from the practitioner’s perspective and that of the patient.
This encyclopedia provides a concise yet comprehensive introduction to each of the systems of the human body, exploring all 11 organ systems of the human body: the circulatory, digestive, endocrine, integumentary, lymphatic, muscular, nervous, reproductive, respiratory, skeletal, and urinary systems. Each chapter includes detailed descriptions of important physiological processes, cell and tissue types, as well as the organs and their roles within the larger system. Special attention is also given to the ways in which these systems interact.
Handbook of Evolution: The Evolution of Living Systems
This two-volume handbook is unique in spanning the entire field of evolution, from the origins of life up to the formation of social structures and science and technology. The author team of world-renowned experts considers the subject from a variety of disciplines, with continuous cross-referencing so as to retain a logical internal structure. The uniformly structured contributions discuss not merely the general knowledge behind the evolution of life, but also the corresponding development of language, society, economies, morality and poli
Contents: A short mathematical review; Introduction to odes; First-order odes; Second-order odes, constant coefficients; The Laplace transform; Series solutions; Systems of equations; Bifurcation theory; Partial differential equations.