Geometric Mechanics and Symmetry: From Finite to Infinite Dimensions (Texts in Applied and Engineering Mathematics N 12)
Classical mechanics, one of the oldest branches of science, has undergone a long evolution, developing hand in hand with many areas of mathematics, including calculus, differential geometry, and the theory of Lie groups and Lie algebras. The modern formulations of Lagrangian and Hamiltonian mechanics, in the coordinate-free language of differential geometry, are elegant and general. They pre a unifying framework for many seemingly disparate physical systems, such as n-particle systems, rigid bodies, fluids and other continua, and electromagnetic and quantum systems. text.
Integrated Greenhouse Systems for Mild Climates: Climate Conditions, Design, Construction, Maintenance, Climate Control
Crop production in greenhouses is a growing industry, especially in mild climates, and is very important for the population as a source of income and clean, fresh food. Greenhouses create optimal climate conditions for crop growth and protect crops from outside pests. At the same time greenhouse production increases water use efficiency and makes integrated production and protection (IPP) possible. This book provides technical instructions for practice (what to do and what not to do) and gives answers to the question: How to produce more clean crops and better quality with less water, less land and less pesticide.
The Engineering Design of Systems: Models and Methods
The Engineering Design of Systems compiles a wealth of information from diverse sources, pring a unique, one-stop reference of current methods and models for systems engineering. This updated edition features important new information on Systems Modeling Language (SysML), more descriptive material on usage scenarios based on literature from use case development, updated homework assignments, and use of the software product CORE to generate the SysML figures. This book serves as an excellent introductory reference suitable for students and professionals alike.
Cities, initially a product of the manufacturing era, have been thoroughly remade in the image of consumer society. Competitive spending among affluent households has intensified the importance of style and design at every scale and design professions have grown in size and importance, reflecting distinctive geographies and locating disproportionately in cities most intimately connected with global systems of key business services. Meanwhile, many observers still believe good design can make positive contributions to people’s lives.
From the reviews: "This is a very interesting introductory book written for a broad audience of graduate students in natural sciences and engineering. It can be equally well used both for teaching and self-education. … very well structured and every topic is illustrated by simple and motivating examples. This is a true guidebook to the world of complex nonlinear phenomena. … Every chapter is followed by theoretical and computational exercises (with detailed solutions presented at the end of the book) and a list of references for further reading." (Ilya Pavlyukevich, Zentralblatt MATH, Vol. 1146, 2008)