A set of free materials by a Scottish comunity HSN covering some part of Secondary School program. Ideal for general acquaintance with basic terms, formulas and laws.
The book consites of 3 level tests (26 in all) for primary students age 7-9. With Keys. First level: 10 test, second level 8 tests, third level 8 tests - plenty of topic such as: my body / animals / clothes / my family / things a school / feelings and needs and more. ALL EXPLANATION ARE IN POLISH (BUT IT'S EASY TO UNDERSTAND)
Teachers in English schools have now had 10 years of prescriptive national literacy strategies and it is time for a new approach. This book encourages children from their early years to think of themselves as writers who have something to write and know how to write it. "Creating Writers in the Primary Classroom" offers an exciting and refreshing approach to teaching writing in the primary school with very practical suggestions to help build a community of writers in your school where everyone writes and loves writing.
"California Algebra Readiness" is focused, organized, and easy to follow. The program shows students how to read, write, and understand the unique language of mathematics, so that they are prepared for every type of problem-solving and assessment situation. Reading age for native speakers: Middle School students (8th grade)
Coordinating English at Key Stage 2 (Subject Leaders Handbooks)
Specifically designed for busy teachers who have responsibility for co-ordinating English within their primary school, this concise and practical volume provides a wealth of tips, case studies and photocopiable materials.