Kompendium gramatyczne z języka angielskiego z ćwiczeniami dla uczniów IV-VI / Junior School Grammar Booster. Grades 4-6Grammar booster for the junior school learners of grades 4-6 revising the material for their final 6th grade examination. Additional explanatory notes and key included.
Success is a six-level* course for Upper Secondary school students aged 14-20 years, taking learners from zero beginner to an advanced level of English competency. The age range has been fundamental in defining the most important features of this course. Designed for learners who are at a critical point in their education, Success helps them bridge the gap between their school years and adulthood.
Harvard Business Review is a general management magazine published since 1922 by Harvard Business School Publishing, owned by the Harvard Business School. A monthly research-based magazine written for business practitioners, it claims a high ranking business readership among academics, executives, and management consultants.
Launching the new Kogan Page Primary Essentials series, this indispensable handbook for all practising and aspiring primary headteachers will help primary school leaders rise to the many challenges that face them in the task of effectively managing a busy primary school.
Egzamin gimnazjalny 2012 z języka angielskiego (Junior High School English Exam)
A set of interactive tests for the learners of junior high school preparing to take the final exam in English. Complies with the new (2012) curriculum core. Features basic and extended exam versions. Level A2-B1.