This is an illustrated reference guide to the breads of the world, with over 150 recipes and details of traditional baking methods. It contains a step-by-step techniques section and explains every stage of the bread making process.
High-interest tasks support the development of receptive and productive skills while including critical listening and learning strategies. In Focus section offers opportunity for cultural comparison and personalization in each unit.
An abundance of diagrammed instructions help paperfolders create25 fascinating creatures, with all models keyed according to difficulty—from the easiest (a duck and a swan) to more challenging projects (crocodile, ibis, parrot, kangaroo, hippopotamus, and even a horse with rider). Includes a helpful section on wet-folding, a technique that creates firmer, more permanent models than ones formed from regular origami paper.
Mastering Skills for the TOEFL iBT-Advanced [BOOK (TRANSCRIPTS) + AUDIO]
These CDs (10 discs) accompany the Mastering Skills for the TOEFL iBT Student Book. The recordings include over 120 sample conversations and lectures, as well as over 40 sample responses for speaking tasks. CDs 1 to 6 cover the exercises and review tasks from the listening section; CDs 7 and 8 include the recordings and sample responses from the integrated speaking section; CD 9 contains recordings necessary for the integrated writing section; and CD 10 contains...
Covering all aspects of gravitation in a contemporary style, this advanced textbook is ideal for graduate students and researchers in all areas of theoretical physics. The 'Foundation' section develops the formalism in six chapters, and uses it in the next four chapters to discuss four key applications - spherical spacetimes, black holes, gravitational waves and cosmology.