A modern course for grades 4-6 elementary school, written in accordance with the latest guidelines of the core curriculum and leading gradually from the fun to the self-study and self-esteem.
A modern course for grades 4-6 elementary school, written in accordance with the latest guidelines of the core curriculum and leading gradually from the fun to the self-study and self-esteem.
A modern course for grades 4-6 elementary school, written in accordance with the latest guidelines of the core curriculum and leading gradually from the fun to the self-study and self-esteem.
Added by: dinhluyen2704 | Karma: 406.39 | Black Hole | 1 April 2021
KET Simply A2 Key for schools 2020
KET Simply A2 Key for schools 2020 - 8 Practice Tests for the Revised Exam from 2020 • 8 complete A2 KEY (KET) Practice Tests. The first Practice Test comes with practical and useful Exam Tips • QR Codes for each part of the Listening paper • Speaking Tutor with guidance for every part of all the Speaking tasks in the book The Self-study Edition, with a Self-study Guide that includes: • Detailed and clear explanations for the right and the wrong answers • The Writing and the Speaking Tutors. • Audioscripts, Answer Key, MP3 Audio CD
This highly acclaimed course is popular because it both interests and stretches learners.
'The Self-study Workbook is a valuable addition to the Classroom Book. The tasks are remarkably varied from grammar exercises (including puzzles and games) to translation, listening, dictation, reading, pronunciation, to name but a few.'
Unit Worksheets with keys reuploaded Thanks to floarea