Using exercises, examples, and writing applications, the Fifth Edition of AT A GLANCE: SENTENCES focuses on sentence writing, with detailed attention to matters such as grammar, rhetoric, sentence variety, sentence combining, diction, capitalization, punctuation, and spelling.
DK Readers allow beginning readers to progress from easy-to-follow stories with simple sentences and word repetition to more sophisticated storylines, sentence structure, and vocabulary.
BUILDING VOCABULARY FOR COLLEGE is a vocabulary worktext that helps you increase your academic vocabulary through a practical, reinforcing approach that promotes mastery of the words and word parts studied. The text begins by presenting the basics such as common prefixes, suffixes, and roots. Exercises in Part 1 ask you to work through matching, multiple-choice, sentence fill-in, and completing a passage sections. The lessons in Section 2 introduce terms from a variety of academic disciplines to help you succeed across the curriculum. Exercises in Part 2 include matching, sentence fill-ins, and completing a passage sections.
Added by: Kahena | Karma: 11526.37 | Fiction literature | 15 August 2011
“Julian Trent, you have been found guilty by this court of perpetrating a violent and unprovoked attack on an innocent family including a charge of attempted murder. You have shown little or no remorse for your actions and I consider you a danger to society.” When defense lawyer Geoffrey Mason hears the judge’s ruling at London’s Old Bailey, he quietly hopes that a substantial sentence will be handed down to his arrogant young client. That Julian Trent only receives eight years seems all too lenient. Little does Mason realize that he’ll be looking Trent in the eyes again much sooner than that.
Gramatyka Angielska w Jednym Zdaniu // English Grammar in One Sentence
Obszerny opis zastosowa wszystkich gramatycznych kategorii czasownikowych jzyka nagielskiego: czasu, aspektu, strony biernej, modalnoci. Adresatem ksiki s przede wszystkim uczcy jzyka angielskiego na poziomie zaawansowanym, na przykad studenci filologii angielskiej czy kolegiów nauczycielskich. Mog z niej równie korzysta nauczyciele tego jzyka.