14. The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes. The Musgrave Ritual Продолжаем следить за приключениями героев Конан Дойля. Каждый понедельник появляется один спектакль. Предыдущие публикации можно найти воспользовавшись поиском или календарем. Reuploaded Thanks to saimoh76
18. The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes. The Greek InterpreterПродолжаем следить за приключениями героев Конан Дойля.Каждыйпонедельник появляется один спектакль. Предыдущие публикацииможнонайти воспользовавшись поиском иликалендарем.
___The Valley of Fear is notable for the involvement of Professor Moriarty, which contradicts the timeline of the story. In The Final Problem, Dr. Watson was first alerted by Sherlock Holmes to the existence of Professor Moriarty. In the same story, Professor Moriarty dies in the confrontation with Sherlock Holmes, as explained in The Adventure of the Empty House, leaving no time in between the two events for any other story regarding the Professor. However, in The Valley of Fear, Professor Moriarty has been mentioned by Sherlock, and Dr. Watson had appeared to know both about the Professor's evil acts, and how little he is known.
This entertaining collection of essays deserves to exist because Sherlock Holmes sees things others don’t. He sees the world in a different way, and by so doing, allows us to see that same world and human behavior in different ways as well. Oh, sure, there have been countless detectives who have followed in his footsteps and who seem to rival his abilities. Just turn on the TV or browse the local bookshop and you’ll find idiosyncratic super sleuths using forensics and reasoning to solve a whole host of crimes and misdeeds.
Added by: Kahena | Karma: 11526.37 | Fiction literature | 18 September 2011
The Misadventures by Sherlock Holmes
Someone has said that more has been written about Sherlock Holmes than about any other character in fiction. It is further true that more has been written about Holmes by others than by Doyle himself. Vincent Starrett once conjectured that "innumerable parodies of THE ADVENTURES have appeared in innumerable journals." There aren't that many, of course; but a half dozen or more full-length volumes have been devoted to Holmes's career and personality, literally hundreds of essays and magazine articles, a few-score radio dramas, some memorable plays, many moving-picture scripts — and to put it more accurately, numerous parodies and pastiches.