Articles on design, technique, history, new and old quilt patterns, trends, museum quilts, and current events in quilting. Exhibitions, quilt shows, quiltmaking lessons, and quilt competitions.
End-of-Life Care and Addiction: A Family Systems ApproachWith a growing elderly population comes an increased need to recognize the medical and psychological needs of older adults suffering from addiction, particularly towards the end of life. This guide describes the challenges such persons and families present to those providing end-of-life care, and shows caregivers how to best negotiate these issues with clients and their families.
The Gender Knot, Allan Johnson's response to the pain and confusion that men and women experience by living with gender inequality, explains what patriarchy is and isn't, how it works, and what gets in the way of understanding and doing something about it. Johnson's simple yet powerful approach avoids the paralyzing trap of guilt, blame, anger, and defensive denial that often result from conversations about gender. He shows how we all participate in an oppressive system we didn't create and how each of us can contribute towards its dissolution.
The Fire in Fiction: Passion, Purpose and Techniques to Make Your Novel Great
How do widely published authors keep their stories burning hot? Learn how to supercharge every story with deep conviction and, conversely, turn fiery passion into effective story. The Fire in the Fiction shows you not only how to write compelling stories filled with interesting settings and vivid characters, but how to do it over and over again. With examples drawn from current novels, this inspiring guide shows you how to infuse your writing with life.
Clear instructions, clever projects, and colorful photography make this your go-to source for toys that are fun to make, lovely to give, and wonderful to receive.You'll find patterns for easy-to-crochet dolls and toy animals, complete with accessories and play clothes for them to wear, as well as a few unexpected surprises, like a plush mobile and soft alphabet blocks. Claire Garland shows you how to make basic shapes and forms and then encourages you to use your imagination to embellish them into fanciful playtime friends.