The paradox of how children regularly learn highly complex natural languages upon limited exposure to simple data lies at the center of any study of language acquisition. This book explores a new and important hypothesis for how young children might be able to learn a language from very simple sentences.
College Libraries and Student Culture: What We Now Know
How do college students really conduct research for classroom assignments? In 2008, five large Illinois universities were awarded a Library Services and Technology Act Grant to try to answer that question. The resulting ongoing study has already yielded some eye-opening results. The findings suggest changes ranging from simple adjustments in service and resources to modifying the physical layout of the library. In this book Duke and Asher, two anthropological researchers involved with the project since the beginning,
Learning how to use gerunds and infinitives is one of the most challenging aspects of learning English. For this reason, I have made a simple program to help in this issue.
This textbook includes speaking activities for Intermediate level students. Here you will find 28 topics in all to encourage your students to speak about. Some of the topics include: