The New English Course is a four-level course for learners of English. Level 1 takes beginners and false beginners to a point at which they can use English fluently for simple practical purposes.
HealthStyle is about extending the true quality of life. Its about being as active at seventy as you are at thirty-five. Its about helping to prevent osteoporosis, hypertension, and Allzheimers disease. Its about ending the confusion about how people should exercise and how often. Its about making simple but significant changes to get the most out of life for the rest of your life.
HealthStyle is the twenty-first-century program for promoting vigor, preventing disease, and extending your life span
Woman & Home's Feel Good Food is all about wonderful recipes and tips and how food can affect your health and mood. We are what we eat and Feel Good Food recipes will help to destress you, energise you - simple help you to feel GREAT!
This book really will make a huge difference to exam performance, whatever exams you're taking - professional or academic, Master's level or GCSE, A level, essay or multiple choice. It isn't just hard work or intelligence that gets you through. In fact many hard working, intelligent people fail through lack of confidence or poor exam technique. At least 50 per cent of your chances are down to: Your attitude to exams; Simple but effective techniques to use in the exam itself; The way you approach the course of study.