Sinatra the musician has never been taken as seriously or chronicled with such sensitivity and depth; it has never been as clear how very much the singer had to do with all aspects of his recordings and performances. This is a warts-and-all work, with a staggering amount of research to back everything up, revealing Nancy Sr. in all her grace, and Frank in all his moods, but it is never salacious or malicious, only honest, forthright and civilized. Nobody can be prepared for the life of a phenomenon--which Sinatra was--the first show business phenomenon of the 20th century, long before Elvis or the Beatles, and far more complicated and multi-layered.
Extraordinary Comebacks: 201 Inspiring Stories of Courage, Triumph, and Success
The human spirit is among the most powerful and resilient forces on the planet. The stories of these incredible people prove that, with commitment and perseverance, you can do anything! Find inspiration in the triumphs of Andre Agassi, J.K. Rowling, Steve Jobs, Oprah Winfrey, Frank Sinatra, The Dalai Lama, Winston Churchill and many other amazing people.
For nearly sixty years, Frank Sinatra (1915-98) triumphed in concert, in the recording studio, on television, and on the big screen, refashioning his image to suit the temper of the times. Sinatra did it "his way," remaining both elusive and alluring, and appealing to men and women alike. This collection analyzes the qualities that ensured Sinatra's staying power: his impeccable musicality, his charisma, his tough-mindedness, and even his peccadilloes.
Added by: visan | Karma: 894.33 | Other | 10 May 2009
Songs with subtitles 16
ABBA - Head Over Heels Bobby Mcferryn - Don't Worry Be Happy Doris Day - Everybody Loves a Lover Frank Sinatra - Blues in the Night Mariach Carey - Can't Live Tony Braxton - I Don't Want to