Lenny Samuel, a private investigator from Los Angeles, appears in this series at all five levels, In this story, Lenny is forced to do a job for a wealthy businessman. Lenny has to make the ransom exchange for the businessman's kidnapped daughter. But something goes wrong!
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Ex-journalist Dan Starkey is stuck in a grimy Belfast bedsit. His life is a disaster, and his only solace is the pub round the corner. He really, really needs something to get his teeth into. Fellow ex-journalist Mark Corkery provides that something. Corkery, an Internet horseracing gossip, wants him to investigate Geordie McClean, the man behind Irish American Racing. Simple enough for a man with Dan's experience, surely? But Trouble is Dan's middle name. And trouble is what he finds.
The chapters embraced in this work treat of the leading economy questions which are rife in your country. An attempt has been made to handle the questions in a thorough manner, to dig down for principles which are fundamental, though the author was conscious that, in so doing, the work would lose something of its interest to those who only seek to glide over the surface of things.
Young Rue Cassels of the Cycler Compact- a civilisation based around remote brown dwarf stars - is running for her life from her bullying brother, Jentry. Fleeing in a single person spacecraft, she spots a distant, approaching object, and stakes a legal claim to it. It is not the valuable comet she has hoped for, but something even more wonderful, a billion year-old alien starship. Permanence is the story of Rue's quest to visit and claim this ship and its treasures, set against a backdrop of interstellar intrigue and warring empires.
Everyone wants their life to count. We all wish we could make a difference in a hurting world. The good news is that we can. Despite our own brokenness (and, in fact, because of it) each of us can be Jesus's hands and feet on Earth, reaching out to others in real and profound ways. With powerful true stories, illustrations from the life of Christ, and specific activities for readers to engage, DO Something! is a hopeful and practical book that shows how to live out faith in a way that improves people's lives. With transparency and humility, Miles McPherson shares his own shortcomings as a young pastor trying to connect with people in need.