Songbirds: Songs for kids to learn English 3 CDs
Added by: decabristka | Karma: 68075.20 | Kids, Audio | 21 December 2009 |
Singing in a foreign language can make the process of learning not only fun but also productive. Singing a song, the child involuntarily acquires a significant number of vocabulary and better cope with grammar difficulties. Series "Songbirds" includes 6 books and 3 discs with 150 well-known British and American songs. The songs can be used with any English language courses for children older preschool and early school age. There are 50 songs about different topics in modern arrangement performed by children - native speakers in each CD
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Tags: English, children, Songbirds, Singing, songs, English, songs |
Songbirds. Песни для детей на английском языке TB
Added by: Tsygan | Karma: 78.73 | Only for teachers, Audio | 20 December 2009 |
Songbirds. Песни для детей на английском языкеМетодическое пособие "Songbirds" состоит из 6 книг и 3 дисков ( представлены только книги) со 150 известными английскими и американскими песнями. В книгу для учителя "Games and activities" входят методические указания по организации игр на основе песен.
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Tags: Songbirds, английском, детей, Песни, activities |