The Torchwood team and Martha face danger at CERN in this special BBC radio episode, starring John Barrowman, Eve Myles, Gareth David-Lloyd and Freema Agyeman. Following the tragic deaths of two of their colleagues, only Captain Jack Harkness, Gwen Cooper and Ianto Jones remain of Torchwood, protecting humanity against the unknown. Martha Jones, ex-time traveler and now working as a doctor for UNIT, has been called to CERN -- the world's largest particle physics laboratory.
Added by: JustGoodNews | Karma: 4306.26 | Fiction literature | 4 September 2010
Blue Magic
If you liked Drinker of Souls, you will probably like this book. This book stands alone though and you don't have to read Drinker of Souls to enjoy this one. It has been several generations since Bran's last adventure when she is called to "remember the promise" she made to the heirs of Harra Hazzani (a character from Drinker of Souls). From there coincidence abounds as Bran runs into the current generation of offspring, from her previous companions of adventure.
At the end of her bestselling Coldfire trilogy, C.S. Friedman challenged readers to imagine what a world would be like if sorcery required the ultimate sacrifice-that of life itself. Now she introduces us to a terrifying world in which the cost of magic is just which the fuel for sorcery is the very fire of the human spirit, and those who hunger for magical power must pay for it with their lives
A deeper probe into relationships starts with our heart’s desires At last, a “relationship book” that looks past what separates us to examine what connects us! Dr. Mark and Debra Laaser go to the heart of the matter. Instead of focusing on how to sidestep or compensate for perceived differences, they dig deeper, to the core of our souls, to examine how the basic desires and needs of all people make us more alike than different.
Dead Souls (Russian language: Мёртвые души) by Nikolai Gogol was first published in 1842, and is one of the most prominent works of 19th century Russian literature. Gogol himself saw it as an "epic poem in prose", and within the book as a "novel in verse". Despite supposedly completing the trilogy's second part, Gogol destroyed it shortly before his death. Although the novel ends in mid-sentence (like Sterne's Sentimental Journey), it is usually regarded as complete in the extant form.