Developing the arguments of Terence Hawkes' "That Shakespeherian Rag" (1986), this book uses the work of influential critics to question whether we could have any genuine access to final, authoritative or essential meanings in respect of Shakespeare's plays. Implicitly and explicitly, it argues that all we can ever do is use Shakespeare as a powerful element in specific ideological strategies. Traditionally, critics, producers, actors and audiences of Shakespeare have assumed that the "meaning" of each play is bequeathed to it by the Bard and lies within its text.
English of Professional Communication: Английский язык профессионального общения
Книга является результатом научных изысканий в области стилистики английского языка и посвящена лингвистическим проблемам обмена профессиональной информацией специалистов разных областей знаний. Language for Specific Purposes (LSP) (in our case, English for Specific Purposes – ESP) is intended for a particular profession or a range of similar occupations and is targeted on particular vocabulary and phrasing, grammar rules and stylistic patterns, prosodic contours and models of discourse conspicuous for certain professional speech varieties.
This groundbreaking work redefines traditional ideas of what a ''text'' should be, incorporating new kinds of multimodal texts to revitalize instruction within and across disciplines. The authors provide examples of innovative representations to aid learning in earth science, language arts, mathematics, and social studies classrooms. Each chapter focuses on a specific content area, outlining learning goals, relevant national standards, types of representation that enrich learning, and teaching strategies for developing critical literacy specific to that discipline.
Welcome to Subirdia: Sharing Our Neighborhoods with Wrens, Robins, Woodpeckers, and Other Wildlife
Added by: drazhar | Karma: 1455.89 | Other | 8 October 2014
Welcome to Subirdia presents a surprising discovery: the suburbs of many large cities support incredible biological diversity. Populations and communities of a great variety of birds, as well as other creatures, are adapting to the conditions of our increasingly developed world. In this fascinating and optimistic book, John Marzluff reveals how our own actions affect the birds and animals that live in our cities and towns, and he provides ten specific strategies everyone can use to make human environments friendlier for our natural neighbors.
Cartographies of becoming in education: A Deleuze-Guattari Perspective proposes a non-hierarchical approach that maps teaching and learning with the power of affect and what a body can do/become in different educational contexts. Teaching and learning is an encounter with the unknown and happen as specific responses to particular problems encountered with/in life.