The Universal Sense: How Hearing Shapes the Mind (2012)
The surprising truth about how the things our ears hear affect what's between them. Every day, we are surrounded by millions of sounds - ambient ones like the rumble of the train and the hum of air conditioner, as well as more attention-grabbing sounds, such as human speech, music, and sirens. But how do we process what we hear every day? And how does it affect our brains and our minds?
This newly illustrated edition of Rain and Hail (Crowell, 1983) is a concise and informative look at the water cycle. Branley provides a fundamental understanding of how water is recycled, how clouds are formed, and why rain and hail occur. A few easy science activities are included. Words that might be unfamiliar to readers are defined in context. The pen-and-ink with watercolor wash paintings clearly interpret the concepts presented on each page. Throughout the book, speech bubbles from a group of children provide further clarification. This beginning reader would be especially useful to elementary teachers, but will also fill a niche for young researchers.
Английский речевой этикет / English speech etiquette
Издание ставит перед собой цель помочь изучающим английский язык освоить речевые модели, необходимые для реального использования их в ситуации общения. Книга адресуется учащимся 8-11 классов для самостоятельного изучения, а также может использоваться учащимися младших и средних классов для совместной работы с учителем
On a Roll was written for high-intermediate and advanced ESL/EFL students. It is meant to help prepare non-native English speakers to understand and use the rapid, reduced, idiomatic speech heard outside the classroom and the language lab.