American Headway Starter Workbook BAmerican Headway combines the best of traditional methods with more recent approaches to make learning English stimulating, motivating, and effective.
Miss Moppet & the mouse. Starter Level
Адаптированнаякнига для чтенияна английском языке супражнениями.Хочешьузнать,гдеголодныекрольчатанашлиеду?А какнаглыесобачкиоказалисьв реке?Или какмышкаперехитрилакотенка?Читайтриинтересныхрассказав однойкниге?- Истанешьстильнымзнатокоманглийского языка! Для младшегошкольноговозраста.
Cool reading series represents fairytales and stories for graded readers which fall into four levels to study English: Starter, Beginner, Pre-Intermediate, Intermediate. Such scale helps trainees to select the appropriate level of difficulty to read texts and fulfill exercises.
Added by: s.gomez.5 | Karma: 93.87 | Black Hole | 14 May 2013
Log In Starter (SB + WB + 2CDs)
Log in is a four-level course for students aged 12 to 15.It has been specially designed for teenage students of English with 2–4 contact hours a week. It offers two starting levels, which makes it ideal for true and false beginners.
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