The author has provided a shop window for some of the ideas, techniques and elegant results of Fourier analysis, and for their applications. These range from number theory, numerical analysis, control theory and statistics, to earth science, astronomy, and electrical engineering.
A developed, complete treatment of undergraduate probability and statistics by a very well known author. The approach develops a unified theory presented with clarity and economy. Included many examples and applications. Appropriate for an introductory undergraduate course in probability and statistics for students in engineering, math, the physical sciences, and computer science.(vs. Walpole/Myers, Miller/Freund, Devore, Scheaffer/McClave, Milton/Arnold)
This book is an introductory text in statistics for students of business and administration in graduate programs leading to a Master of Business Administration (MBA) degree, undergraduate programs in colleges and universities, and community and junior colleges. At the MBA or advanced undergraduate level, this text supports an intensive one-term course. At the undergraduate level and in community and junior colleges, the text is suitable for a two-term introductory statistics sequence.
The Seventh Edition of Wayne Weiten's popular text, PSYCHOLOGY: THEMES AND VARIATIONS, continues to offer students a unique survey of psychology with three distinct goals: to show both the unity and diversity of psychology's subject matter; to illuminate the process of research and its intimate link to application, and to make the text challenging to think about and easy to learn from. The book's dynamic, teaching-oriented illustration program further enhances these themes.