Michael Dockrill's concise study of the early years of the Cold War between the Western Powers and Soviet Union has been widely acclaimed as an authoritative guide to the subject. In this second edition, he and Michael Hopkins bring the story up to the events of 1991, and also expand coverage of key topics.
Twenty years ago a group of people lived in a house in London. One of them was murdered, but who was it? We slowly find out the truth, as the past, the present and the future join together in a frightening story. Audio added!
Added by: Maria | Karma: 3098.81 | Non-Fiction | 17 December 2008
Although Charles Best is known for discovering insulin, the story of his life neither begins nor ends with that one moment. Not only did he make many other discoveries, he was also one half of an extraordinary couple who, during their almost sixty years together, were involved in many of the significant events of the twentieth century. Margaret & Charley is the story of these two people from their beginnings on the east coast at the turn of the century through the years that followed. Through diaries, scrapbooks, photograph albums, and other documentation, the details of their lives are shared with the reader.
Книга для чтения является составной частью УМК "Enjoy English-З" для 5-6 классов общеобразовательных учреждений при начале обучения со 2 класса. В книгу вошли оригинальные рассказы для детей и подростков из серии "Rockets" английского издательства A&C Black: "Uncle-and-Antie Pat", "Granny's Jungle Garden", "Jenny the Joker", "Grandad's Boneshaker Bicycle" автора Колин Вест. Повествование ведется в увлекательной эмоциональной форме от лица главного героя, который попадает в ситуации, близкие и понятные школьникам 10-12 летнего возраста. К каждому рассказу предлагаются разнообразные упражнения, которые позволяют обучать не только чтению, но и говорению и письму. Книга снабжена большим количеством иллюстраций. В конце каждого рассказа в разделе "Word and Expressions" приводятся русские аналоги выделенных в тексте слов и выражений, что снимает трудности при чтении аутентичных текстов и облегчает понимание живой английской речи. The book is for the beginning Learning to Grade 2 and composed of original stories for children and teenagers. The narration is in the fascinating emotional form on behalf of the main character, who gets in situations that are close and understandable to students 10-12 years of age. Each story offers a variety of exercises that can teach not only reading but also speaking and writing. The book is equipped with a large number of illustrations. At the end of each story in "Word and Expressions" shows Russian counterparts highlighted in the text of words and phrases that removes the difficulty in reading authentic texts and facilitates understanding of the living English speech. FULL ENGLISH!