This GetAhead in Winning at Interviews accelerated training course starts with an in-depth self-analysis process - in order that you can identify, analyze and promote your personal strengths and match these to your ideal job.
What Children Need to Be Happy, Confident and Successful
Added by: miaow | Karma: 8463.40 | Other | 24 July 2016
This book provides a practical model for helping children flourish and achieve their personal potential in every area of their lives. Drawing on ideas from positive psychology and child development theory, the model explores the five key areas of wellbeing: personal strengths, emotional wellbeing, positive communication, learning strengths, and resilience. Practical activities are included for each area, and a questionnaire provides an assessment to enable you to keep track of progress.
Offers advice on writing effective cover letters by understanding the audience, creating memorable openings and closings, communicating personal strengths, and polishing one's writing style.
ELT Graded Readers: The Story of Troy (upper intermediate)
They draw on the proven strengths of this publisher's books for native speakers of English; an interesting approach to factual topics clear detailed illustrations and a combination of education information and enjoyment. These same strengths are now available to teachers and learners of English. The levels have been chosen for ease of use to approximate to the various UCLES exams and the readers can be used alongside the appropriate course book.
The authors connect current cognitive research with the challenges of educational leadership, outline four leadership styles, and demonstrate how to capitalize on your strengths. This book is written as a resource for those who accept the challenge and opportunity to fine-tune their leadership style. School leaders, principals, assistant principals, curriculum coordinators, and teacher leaders alike will learn, benefit, and grow. Cognitive knowledge of brain function, paired with new insights of strengths based leadership in schools, will help school leaders develop strategies that will enhance student learning in an environment that maximizes student and faculty potential.