This book offers a new approach to the history of English. Contemporary linguistic research in various areas - ranging from discourse analysis and stylistics to literacy and the study of pidgins and creoles - raises new historical questions. Access to large corpora of English has in recent years enabled scholars to assess the minutiae of linguistic change in much greater detail than before, and consequently the timing and interpretation of events is having to be reconsidered. Furthermore, the focus of interest in a history of the language is rather different in the 1990s than it was a decade and more ago, and this book reflects this shift.
Daniel R. Schwarz has studied and taught the modern British novel for decades and now brings his impressive erudition and critical acuity to this insightful study of the major authors and novels of the first half of the twentieth century.
An insightful study of British fiction in the first half of the twentieth century.
Draws on the author’s decades of experience researching and teaching the modern British novel.
Sets the modern British novel in its intellectual, cultural and literary contexts.
This volume examines the tumultuous changes that have occurred and are still occurring in the aftermath of European colonization of the globe from 1492 to 1947.
- Ranges widely over the major themes, regions, theories and practices of postcolonial study - Presents original essays by the leading proponents of postcolonial study in the Americas, Europe, India, Africa, East and West Asia
English Words is a comprehensive and accessible introduction to the study of English words from a theoretically informed linguistic perspective.
* accessibly written to give students a command of basic theory, skills in analyzing English words, and the foundation needed for more advanced study in linguistic theory or lexicology
* covers basic introductory material and investigates the structure of English vocabulary
* introduces students to the technical study of words from relevant areas of linguistics: phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, historical linguistics and psycholinguistics
At work or at school, requirements rise higher and higher as competition grows fiercer. We are constantly challenged by having to acquire new skills and ideas as those we’ve learned become obsolete.
By mastering the seven basic elements of complete study skills included in this book, you can tap into your hidden potential for maximum performance and increased learning power. This positive guide is ideal for everyone — whether you are a student aiming to get into a post-secondary institution or a graduate program (or to pass your next exam) or a businessperson