The concept of intellectual styles has had a controversial history based on diverse philosophical and theoretical foundations. Most recently, the idea of intellectual styles-an umbrella term that covers such closely related constructs as "cognitive styles," "learning styles," "teaching styles," and "thinking styles"-has gained momentum as an explanation for why different people succeed in different professional and organizational settings. Previously, it was thought that high-achievers simply had more innate abilities than their less successful peers, but research has shown that individuals have different intellectual styles that are better suited for varying types of contexts and problems.
A complete guide to successful learning using Moodle, focused on course development and delivery and using the best educational practices. Moodle is relatively easy to install and use, but the real challenge is to develop a learning process that leverages its power and maps effectively onto the content established learning situation.
George Mikes has written many successful books on a variety of interesting subjects, but one so successful as those on the subject most central to his own experience: his adopted country. The first of these came out in 1946: the ever famous "How to be an Alien". Later he enlarges the picture with "How to be Inimitable" and "How to be Decadent". All three books were illustrated by the master of the cartoonists' art, the late Nicolas Bentley. Here they are, all in one volume, which will make life much easier for today's would-be Brits than it was for those who pervaded them.
Part of Robert Kiyosaki's Rich Dad's Advisor Series, this program offers high-quality sales and personal development strategies. Singer has a can-do approach that doesn't wait for help from bosses or other authority figures. He teaches unflappable salesmanship that is relentlessly positive, 100% committed, and totally focused on serving your customers. His insights about sales relationships are priceless, and he is articulate when dismissing sales approaches that are too aggressive, too general, or too short on passion and honesty. Reuploaded Thanks to Eugenius
The 7 Powers of Questions: Secrets to Successful Communication in Life and at Work
Questions... ? demand answers ? stimulate thinking ? give us valuable information ? put us in control ? get people to open up ? lead to quality listening ? get people to sell themselves