IELTS Target 7.0 addresses the increasing trend of institutions demanding higher language competence from students. This level provides less pre-skills guidance and scaffolding, and more post-skills practice and analysis. It aims to develop core language skills and improve scores through more challenging topics and tasks.
The short course consists of four units, each of five modules – Listening, Reading, Writing, Speaking and Exam Practice. The material in each module, which is a slightly higher level than students will encounter in the exam, aims to help extend and refine language skills to an advanced level.
This ready reference and handbook adopts a novel approach, focusing on combating multi-drug resistance in bacteria by developing antibacterials with new target sites, using new advances in drug discovery as well as natural products.
Added by: decabristka | Karma: 68075.20 | Only for teachers, KET | 1 December 2013
These twelve worksheets follow the topics from the Target KET for Schools Student’s Book and provide extra practice of the vocabulary students need for the exam.
Each worksheet contains a series of communicative activities taking students from controlled practice to freer practice
TARGET KET PRACTICE TESTS SB + AUDIOExam Practice Tests will familiarise students with the form and layout that their ESOL exam will take, while giving them vital practice of the language, skills and strategies they will need to do well on the day. Each book contains five full practice exams, including realistic visual material for the speaking paper section.