With a new component array and strong digital support, the new edition of Close up has been fully updated to be in line with the new First for Schools 2015 specifications.
With a new component array and strong digital support, the new edition of Close up has been fully updated to be in line with the new First for Schools 2015 specifications.
This book examines the impact of internationalization, student mobility and transnational workforce mobility on the changing nature of teacher work and teacher professional learning in the Vocational Education and Training (VET) sector. Derived from a three-year project funded by the Australian Research Council across more than 30 VET and HE institutions, this is the first book that explores teacher professional learning in international education. The authors address how teachers position their professional responsibilities and learning in relation to the institutional structure, internationalization agenda and policy fields ...
With a new component array and strong digital support, the new edition of Close up has been fully updated to be in line with the new First for Schools 2015 specifications.
Time Zones, Second Edition is a four-skills program designed to teach teenagers how to use English effectively, developing them into successful global citizens.