Interactive Whiteboards and English Teaching: A consideration of typical practice
This article considers the affordances of interactive whiteboards (IWBs) for English teachers by reflecting on the typical use of IWBs by a number of secondary English teachers who use them routinely within their teaching. It looks at the practice of these teachers and considers when the technology is used within lessons, in terms of lesson timing and the stage of teaching. It also draws attention to two particular areas: the most commonly used programmes observed and the use of handwriting on the IWBs.
Innovative and evidence-based, this introduction to the main concepts and issues in language teaching uses a 'key questions' structure, enabling the reader to understand how these questions have been addressed by researchers previously, and how the findings inform language teaching practices. Grounded in research, theory and empirical evidence, the textbook provides students, practitioners and teachers with a complete introductory course in language teaching. Written in a clear and user-friendly style, and avoiding use of jargon, the book draws upon real-life teaching experiences and scenarios to provide practical advice.
Teaching Online: Tools and Techniques, Options and Opportunities
Teaching Online is a clear, accessible and reassuringly practical book - essential reading for anyone interested in online teaching and course delivery.
Essential reading for online instructors, updated to cover new and emerging issues and technologies The Online Teaching Survival Guide provides a robust overview of theory-based techniques for teaching online or technology-enhanced courses. Covering all aspects of online teaching, this book reviews the latest research in cognitive processing and related learning outcomes while retaining a focus on the practical. A simple framework of instructional strategies mapped across a four-phase timeline provides a concrete starting point for both new online teachers and experienced teachers designing or revamping an online course.