Featured in this issue are an interview with James E. Alatis and an integrated skills lesson plan for "The Making of a City." Other articles cover English as an international language, the teaching of collocations, reciprocal teaching, and tutoring in an ESOL music project.
Tailored to meet the needs of teachers, lecturers and tutors of modern languages, this comprehensive guide will help you to improve your understanding of modern languages and will also enhance your practice in the classroom. Effective Learning and Teaching in Modern Languages offers insights from the latest research into learning and teaching within the discipline, and also outlines innovative teaching techniques, covering all the subjects critical to a lecturer of modern languages.
This book has a two-fold purpose: to provide lively whole class activities for teaching the Key Stage 2 sentence level objectives in England's National Literacy Strategy"Framework for Teaching"; and to explain and illustrate the varied forms which shared writing can take as a powerful medium for teaching writing. It is designed to help teachers teach writing. It is called "Grammar for Writing" to emphasize the centrality of grammar in the teaching of writing. The book lays out teaching ideas for each year of Key Stage 2--objective by objective, It consists of teaching units covering all the sentence level objectives in the Key Stage 2 Framework and a number of text level objectives which relate to text cohesion.
A JOURNAL FOR THE TEACHER OF ENGLISHEnglish Teaching Forum is a quarterly journal published by the U.S. Department of State for teachers of English as a foreign or second language.3, 1995
Speaking (and writing) about sports is the feature article in this issue. Other topics include materials development, speaking and listening online, teaching writing, and classroom techniques.