Have you ever been lied to? Of course you have, whether you knew it or not. Ever caught a spouse, business partner, parent, boss, or child brazenly lying right to your face? What if you could tell someone was lying, just by listening to them, and observing their action and behavior?How to Spot a Liar is the first book that gives you the tools to figure out what’s really going on: to gain the upper hand in salary negotiation, move a prospective client toward the outcome you desire, and find out why you need to end a business or personal relationship.
Added by: inspiration | Karma: 31.27 | Other | 7 May 2009
"There is no book on the market to compare with Dr Jaeckel’s. All the techniques, the tricks, the pitfalls of this important methodology are covered in detail and with great insight. This is no book on abstract theory, Dr Jaeckel is a practitioner who has implemented every single one of these ideas. He has done all the hard work, so you don’t have to.” Paul Wilmott
“Few expert practitioners also have the academic expertise to match Peter Jaeckel’s in this area, let alone take the trouble to write a most accessible, comprehensive and yet self contained text. This book is a delight to read and contains a wealth of information that is essential for anyone involved with implementing Monte Carlo methods in finance.” Professor Carol Alexander,ISMA Centre, University of Reading, UK
”This book is a very welcome addition to the growing literature on applied quantitative methods in finance. Dr Jaeckel has done the field a service in combining both a thorough review of ’standard’ material with techniques that were learned on the job as a quant at top financial institutions. Michael Curran, Quantin’ Leap
This book offers some simple tools, insights and approaches which will really make the difference in exam performance. It isn’t just hard work or intelligence that gets you through. In fact many hard working, intelligent people fail through poor exam technique. At least 50 per cent ofyour chances are down to:
● The way you choose to view exams. ● How you approach your course of study with the exam in mind. ● Simple but effective techniques to use in the exam itself.
These techniques are easy to learn and proven beyond doubt. They also have the added advantage of giving your confidence a welcome boost so that you arrive in the exam room ready and able to succeed.
The advice in this guide to effective learning is to help students to think about the way they learn and, where necessary to improve their study, revision and examination techniques. They may read it chapter by chapter (rather than at one sitting) during the first weeks of a course, and then try the techniques recommended. Afterwards they may refer to appropriate chapters, for advice on particular points, throughout their course.
The MLA's Line by Line, How to Edit Your Own Writing
Added by: Maria | Karma: 3098.81 | Coursebooks | 2 April 2009
The essential guide for all writers. With over 700 examples of original and edited sentences, this book provides information about editing techniques, grammar, and usage for every writer from the student to the published author.