Caribbean Travel & Life is devoted to bringing paradise right to your doorstep! Whether it's undiscovered beaches, the best luxury resorts, or the finest snorkeling destinations, our veteran writers have been there and bring back all that is special in the Caribbean.
Caribbean Travel & Life is devoted to bringing paradise right to your doorstep! Whether it's undiscovered beaches, the best luxury resorts, or the finest snorkeling destinations, our veteran writers have been there and bring back all that is special in the Caribbean.
Задача данного пособия заключается в подготовке к тесту CPE (Certificate of Proficiency in English). Тест состоит из 5 частей: чтение, письмо, умение использовать язык, слушанье, речь.В сборнике даны 4 варианта полного теста. Stimulating reading and listening texts from a range of sources give students' vital experience in coping with the variety of material in the exam. There are four complete Speaking tests. Authentic sample answers for Paper 2 and the summary writing task in Paper 3 are provided, with marks and helpful assessments.Thanks to taurusn64!
People love and need animals. They keep them in their homes and on their farms. They enjoy going to zoos, and watching animals on films and on TV. Little children love to play with toy animals. But people are a great danger to animals too. They take their land, and cut down the trees where animals have their homes. They pollute the rivers and seas, and kill big animals for their skins or for medicine. Now there are about 7,000 species of animals in danger. What can we do to protect the animals of the world - from us?
By Homer, Circa 600 BC (Translated by Samuel Butler, 1898 ) ‘My mother,’ answered Telemachus, ‘tells me I am son to Ulysses, but it is a wise child that knows his own father. Would that I were son to one who had grown old upon his own estates, for, since you ask me, there is no more ill-starred man under heaven than he who they tell me is my father.’