Beginning ReadingA gradual progression in activity formats helps build confidence and independence for early readers. The book is divided into six areas: 7 Following Directions (art projects use simple instructions and visual cues) 7 Sequencing Directions (order pictures and text to sequence steps for simple, familiar tasks) 7 DrawThen Write (follow simple directions to create a picture, then write about) 7 Read, Think, Cut & Paste (use critical thinking and reading skills to sequence story events)...
Boone and Kurtz, Contemporary Business 15th Edition delivers solutions at the speed of business. Solutions designed to help you improve critical thinking—from the Boone and Kurtz Student Case Videos to the Weekly Updates news blog—will get students thinking, talking, connecting and making decisions—at the speed of business. Experience a textbook program that supports your goals to stimulate curiously, show relevance, promote creativity and prepare students for what’s ahead, in their academic and business careers.
Raise the Issues: An Integrated Approach to Critical Thinking
Raise the Issues helps advanced students develop critical thinking skills as they gain insight into American Attitudes and values. It combines original broadcasts from NPR® with authentic articls from publications such as The New York Times, The Atlantic Monthly, and the International Herald-Tribune to present dffering viewpoints on contemporary topics.
When Otto the cat meets a magical genie, he knows just what to wish for: to make the whole world orange! At first, this new, bright world seems like a lot of fun, but when his mom serves orange spinach for lunch, Otto realizes that his favorite color isn’t the best color for everything. Fixing this mixed-up world won’t be easy though, because Otto already used up his only wish. To save the day, Otto will need his family’s help, some quick thinking, and . . . a pizza? Two master cartoonists collaborate to bring all the fun and magic comics can offer to early readers.
That the media world is changing at a dizzying pace is a statement of the obvious. Yet, some things do remain constant. There are principles of media literacy, which once students have mastered, arm them with the tools and critical thinking they need to be savvy and self-aware consumers of the media. Ralph Hanson does this in every page of his book.