"Eco wittily and enchantingly develops themes often touched on in his previous works, but he delves deeper into their complex nature... this collection can be read with pleasure by those unversed in semiotic theory." -- Times Literary Supplement
Daddy drives a big red tanker truck, and he's away on the road a lot. But once in a while, he's near enough to pick up his little boy from preschool. And today is one of those very special days!
Understanding and Speaking British and American English Metaphorically
Understanding and Speaking British and American English Metaphorically was created for those professionals who use English as a means rather than as an end, such as advertisers, writers or composers. Special attention has been paid to those words used by persons who are interested in hip-hop and their rhymes. A Book is for anyone, native speaker or non-native speaker who manipulates languages. In a nut shell, Understanding and Speaking Br. and Amer. English Metaphorically: A Book was compiled for those persons who need to have at their finger tips words which astound, astonish, amaze, disconcert, dazzle, electrify, floor or take one’s breath away.
Fashion 101: A Crash Course in Clothing (illustrated)
There is a story behind every piece of clothing and, with Fashion 101, you’ll learn what those stories are and more: Where did the miniskirt come from? Why has the military had a stronger influence on fashion than either Audrey Hepburn or Gwen Stefani? How do denim makers work those perfect "whiskers" into your "worn-out" jeans?